°•Terms of Service•°

General terms

  • Provide neat references. Digital / Flat Colored

  • Avoid sending descriptions without visual references of a wall of text.

  • Any ill behaviour will not be tolerated and your commission will be canceled if it occurs. If you fail to follow the rules provided I have the right to decline your commission.


  • All commissions must be paid full after the first sketch, or half after sketch and half when it's almost done

  • Remember that the prices are only a base and it can change

  • The payment must be done via PayPal

  • I accept payments plans for 100 dollars comissions or above

  • Para os brasileiros, o valor é convertido do dólar para o real, normalmente com um desconto de 4% à 10% do valor (pagamento via PIX)


  • After the sketching delivery for approval, you have the right to ask for changes! An extra fee will be requested if more changes are needed after lineart/ coloring/ the piece is done

  • Make sure to request any needed change at once, soon as the piece is finished, extra changes will cost an extra fee depending on the complexity of the changes wanted.

  • The time for your commission to be completed can be up to 1-3 months depending on many factors such as; Health, family issues, my job, order of commission, waiting list, complexity of work, etc. So please be patient

  • If any of the things stated above occurs you will be notified asap.

Customer Satisfaction

  • I will do everything I can to make my customers happy. However after a commission is finished, only small changes are allowed to be made. Any great changes will come with an extra charge. Such as an outfit change, outfit addition or subtraction, background change or anything that makes me have to redraw it completely.

  • If your reference was unclear to start with, then you are not allowed to do minor changes without a fee. Make sure to be clear in your order what you aim for.

  • Send as many references as possible, the artist has no duty to browse through your profile or social medias and look for references.

Copyright / Usage Policy


  • I, the artist, hold every right to the produced drawing, not the commissioner. Although, you can't claim you made it.

  • Therefore I'm allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to: Promote myself with in any place or site. To display it anywhere to my liking. Post it wherever I want.

  • If you don't want your commission to be posted on my portfolio, an extra fee will be requested.

  • The commissioner is allowed to: Use the copyrighted artwork for personal use only unless agreed otherwise, print the art, and claim the right of their character(s) but not the drawing itself. Use the art to promote themselves with proper credit given to the artist.

  • If you break the copyright infringement in any way, every right you had to the drawing will be retracted.

  • If you want to use my artwork commercially on logos, stickers, shirts, prints, or anything marketable, a percentage of the profit will be paid to me, which will be negotiated

Do NOT remove my watermarks or signatures.

Cancelling / Refound Policy

  • You have no right to cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances after payment are received.

  • If money has not been sent yet the commissioner has the right to cancel the commission.

  • If you file a chargeback against me, your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted and you will forbidden to ever commission me, ever again.